It is with great sadness that we find ourselves writing about more conflict in the world, with
last week’s events resulting in many atrocities and no doubt much human suffering, and our
thoughts and prayers are with those affected by such dreadful events.
The ongoing hostility has had an impact on financial markets, with investors carefully
assessing the potential for a broader conflict involving various nations. It is our hope, as well
as the consensus, that the involved parties have limited appetite for further confrontation.
Recent discussions amongst nations with key stakes in the region, such as Saudi Arabia, the
USA and Iran, may influence the situation in the coming days.
Nonetheless, the immediate future remains uncertain, and it is likely that military escalation
will continue. We anticipate that peace talks and negotiations will eventually take place. Any
escalation could disrupt various sectors, including oil supplies, affecting global economic
growth, and introducing market volatility.
To date, we have observed fluctuations in energy prices, driven by concerns about potential
involvement by certain nations. However, as the situation evolves, the initial price gains have
receded, and broader markets have remained relatively stable.
The conflict’s impact on the oil market is twofold, firstly because a significant portion of the
world’s oil supply transiting through areas such as the Strait of Hormuz (through which some
20% of the world’s oil supplies are transported*), and so any move by Iran or others to block
this shipping route could have significant implications for both supplies and therefore oil
prices. Secondly, Iran is a major oil producer with some 4%* of the world’s total. Any
disruption to these routes or this supply is therefore a matter of significant concern due to
its potential effects on global economic stability.
In the event that the conflict does broaden, it could significantly disrupt the flow of oil, which
could have implications for economic growth and financial markets. Central banks may
consider further support for their respective economies as necessary, including putting on
hold any further monetary tightening.
In anticipation of potential challenges, we have maintained cautious positions in portfolios
throughout this year, with an underweight in fixed income, an overweight in absolute return
and a neutral weighting in equities. In this delicate macroeconomic environment, we see a
compelling case for investment in the funds that invest in equities of quality companies which
should help us navigate uncertain times.
In our bond allocations, we have focused on strategic and flexible bond solutions that can
adapt to changing market conditions. The fund managers have proactively adjusted
portfolios in response to evolving circumstances and have been moving into higher quality
issues and those sounder credits in the markets as the environment was already one where
higher default rates were expected.
Furthermore, our diversified holdings in the absolute return space are strategically designed
to mitigate periods of heightened market volatility and uncertainty. These holdings are
intended to provide stability during challenging times.
In summary, we hope for peace and stability but are prepared for evolving conditions and
maintain a vigilant stance on unfolding events.
Park Hall Financial Services Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
The information within this article is for information purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. They represent the opinions of the fund manager and those of Square Mile. It does not contain all of the information which as an investor may require in order to make an investment decision. Any reference to shares/investments is not a recommendation to buy or sell. If you are unsure, you should seek professional independent financial advice.
Past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of any investment and any income from it is not guaranteed and can fluctuate depending on investment performance and other factors. you could get back less than you invested.
Some investments, e.g. property, may be difficult to sell and will be subject to market conditions at that time. Their value is the opinion of an independent valuer.
Any reference to taxation is dependent on your own particular circumstances which are subject to change.
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